Horse & Rider Session // Callie & Eloquence, Shauna & Bobbi

This session in October was such a beautiful evening and a brilliant display of the fall colours. Looking back on it now makes me miss those beautiful expressions of colours! It ended up being one of my most favourite sessions of the whole year! Shauna and Callie had booked the session for pictures with both their horses and as mother and daughter.

Shauna and Bobbi were first in front of the camera and absolutely delightful. Bobbi is probably one of the most interesting horses I have laid eyes on, with his rich black coat and striking markings and Shauna was so kind hearted and easy going. Despite Bobbi’s personality, which Sauna described as “a toddler with anxiety issues” (I’m sure we can all agree we’ve thought of our horses like this more than once!), we had a wonderful time and he ended up being a star in front of the camera. It was clear that he and Shauna had built a great deal of trust and certainty in one another, which served well to calm Bobbi’s nerves.

“i have had bobbi for almost a year, he was made for me”

Callie and Eloquence were later in the evening, as Callie had wanted the coveted golden hour spot, which turned out to be well worth it to pair with her stunning umbur dress. Callie had described Ellie as “likes to pose for photos!" and was certainly not wrong, and Callie had the same innate modelling talent. Watching this pair, it was clear that they each brought the other a natural sense of calm and belonging, a foundation built on trust and connection.

“i’ve loved her ever since i laid eyes on her and it took me many months to finally win over her heart.”

Callie and Shauna were both so wonderful to work with and besides each of their connections with their horses, it was wonderful to also capture their bond as mother and daughter. I did not grow up with a mother who was involved in horses and I think that Shauna and Callie are particularly lucky to share this passion and love of horses and I felt honoured to capture their familiar connection.


Horse & Rider Session // Kennedy & Silver in my Jeans


Horse & Rider Session // Jorja, Castlefield Cassie & Zulu