What to wear with a grey horse?

what to wear with a grey horse?

The monochrome horse colours (grey, black, white) are the easiest to coordinate with because they offer a black slate against which almost any colour can compliment. There are no hard and fast rules with grey horses, and you can let your creative style run wild! Use the images below as a guide for what can look great with a grey horse but remember that nothing is off limits!

  • Dark shades look great and create vibrant contrast. Jewel tones make for a dramatic and elegant look.

  • Wear white and black for a timeless and classic monochrome look.

  • Go with a vibrant pop of colour for a fun and playful look.

  • Wear pastels sparingly, as the light colour against a light coloured horse can make the image appear washed out and bland.

  • Dress for the season and chose your colours to compliment the environment.

A monochrome look pairs wonderfully with a more greyed out, nearly white horse! Some variation of a white/black outfit pairs beautifully against a crisp white coat.

A monochrome outfit pairs nicely with a darker grey as well, however you wonโ€™t have quite the same crisp and clean look.

When opting for a colour outfit, it is less important to worry about complimenting the horse and more so to consider the season you are dressing in! Warm tones work great in fall, a pop of red for the holidays is perfect, pastels are a perfect share for summer and vibrant yellows and blues pair beautifully with the rich and green summer foliage.

Ready to book a session?


Horse & Rider Session // Charlotte & Hazel


Christmas Mini Session // ๐ŸŽ„ Ainsley & Mr.Jones