The Proud Horse Girl Podcast : Episode 1


I am that person, who never, never ever wanted to start a podcast. I thought they were cliche and overdone, not to mention I couldn’t imagine talking into a mic endlessly and the fact that my own voice always tended to annoy me when I heard it played back to me. Yet here we are, launching The Proud Horse Girl podcast and inviting you to listen to the very first episode.

So how did we get here?

It started, like most things with a simple idea, the slogan Proud Horse Girl, that I thought exemplified my brand perfectly. I am here, above all else to celebrate horse girls and the love between a girl and her horse. The slogan blossomed into the idea of a blog series, with interviews of fellow horse girls and finally morphed into a podcast. Even though I am the person who never wanted to start a podcast, this idea completely captivated and inspired me, and I just couldn’t let it go. So that’s how we got here, but you’ll have to listen to Episode 1 to hear the full story, from the very beginning and to find out exactly what this podcast is going to be about.

My goal with this podcast is to create a community of equestrians and horse girls where we can have open and honest conversations about our experiences in the horse community, what it means to be a horse girl and all the messy and complicated things that come with owning and riding horses. I want to showcase horse girls the way I see them, as hard-working, dedicated, caring and loyal people, with the biggest hearts and a never-ending work ethic. Growing up I didn’t feel proud to be a horse girl and with this podcast, I hope to make even the smallest difference and show equestrians everywhere that we should be proud to call ourselves horse girls!

Show Notes

  • “‘I have a podcast’ are 4 words that I never expected to come out of my mouth” (0:21)

  • “I realized that my passion and the drive and fire that I bring to my photography stems from a love for the connection between a girl and her horse” (1:23)

  • “Born was the idea of a podcast, and it was one of those ideas that came to me laying in bed when I couldn’t sleep at night” (2:10)

  • “So let’s go back to the beginning, the first time I sat on a horse I was 2 years old” (2:55)

  • “My grandmother had been in an accident with a horse as a toddler that caused her to be totally deaf for the rest of her life” (3:15)

  • “I was 100% a horse girl from day 1” (3:35)

  • “My mom agreed that I could buy my first horse at 13, if I could pay for half of it” (4:25)

  • “Soon we spent every spare weekend looking at horses for sale (4:55)

  • “I got extremely lucky considering I bought him with no advice from a trainer, no vet check, having only seen and ridden him once” (5:30)

  • “I went from being a young girl obsessed with her first horse to an equine photographer with an established photography business, who is still obsessed with her first horse” (5:50)

  • “When you get your first horse, you just can’t believe this beautiful creature is yours” (6:10)

  • “Photography has allowed me to stay connected to the horse world in a way that I don’t think I otherwise would have been” (7:15)

  • “For the last 4 years or so, riding really has been on the back burner for me” (8:25)

  • “I had to choose to lease out my horse almost 2 years ago” (8:45)

  • “Even though I wasn’t riding all the time, I never stopped being a horse girl” (9:10)

  • “Sometimes other things come first, but…once you are a horse girl, it doesn’t really go away” (9:30)

  • “I actually felt a lot of embarrassment and even shame around being a horse girl” (10:10)

  • “My nickname in school was horse girl, and I have to admit, I hated it” (10:30)

  • “Essentially for a long time I attempted to hide the fact that I was a horse girl” (10:55)

  • “Now, I spend my days celebrating the horse girl” (11:15)




Christmas Mini // Ashbren Photo Day