Horse & Rider Session // Sam, Reggie & Max

Every woman needs in their life a good dog, a good horse and some good friends and Sam is sure blessed with all three of those things! I felt gracious to capture her beautiful bonds with Reggie, her stunning thoroughbred and Max, the faithful dog, and the support of her wonderful friends!

Sam has had a difficult time recently, battling health conditions, and hasn’t been able to ride Reggie recently. She told me before her session, “My dream is to actually ride him again.” I think any horse person can understand this feeling. We thrive off our time in the saddle and I can only imagine what it is like to be without it. Though it might not be much, I hope that capturing some images of Sam bareback on her horse brought a little piece of riding back to her.

It was clear in the session that Reggie and Max were and are her rock in life, a reminder of the things she loves and the person she is outside of her health challenges. It was definitely clear through her smile and authenticity, that with her animals is where she feels most at home and most herself. It is unclear what the next step is for Sam, and whether Reggie will remain in her life, but I hope that at the very least these images can serve as a reminder of joy and happiness in her life, and a reminder that despite the difficulties in life, sometimes all we need are a horse, a dog and good friends to put a smile on our faces.

“Reggie has been with me through some of the worst and hardest years of my life and he's become an amazing horse.”


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