Horse & Rider Session // Elizabeth & Echo

When I arrived at Elizabeth’s session, a certain miss Echo was not looking forward to her session. The young mare was refusing to be caught, giving us some excitement as we rushed to get her caught while we still had some sun left to photograph. Between the two of us, we finally got the little escape artist in her beautiful leather halter and were able to start capturing the beautiful connection between her and Elizabeth.

Despite the interesting start to the session, the rest of the evening was completely magical. Calgary graced us with a totally beautiful and dreamy sunset and Echo was a complete angel for the rest of the session. For being only two, she was totally comfortable and a complete poser in front of the camera, I was totally impressed!

From spending time with Elizabeth catching Echo before the session, to watching their wonderful connection in front of the camera and hearing about their story, it was clear that that they had a truly special bond. After some challenging experiences with horses, Echo was like a clean start and a refreshing change for Elizabeth and it was obvious that she adored the young filly. I’m sure that it will only grow stronger with time and that they will form such an amazing partnership as they are able to teach each other.

“I just really clicked with Echo and enjoy our time together.”


Horse & Rider Session // Sam, Reggie & Max


Horse & Rider Session // Alexandra & In Flight TM