My goals for 2021!

Hey everyone! So the first month of 2021 is almost over and I figure it was time to write down some big picture goals for the year and start manifesting them into fruition! Read below to get a glimpse into what Reversed Eye Photography has in store for 2021! There are some exciting things to come, that’s for sure!

  1. Launch Merch!

This is the first thing on my radar for 2021 and something I am so excited about! Over the course of 2020 I started building my photography into a brand, not just a photography business and the next step into this journey is launching branded merch! I have hats, shirts and saddle pads in the works right now, with plans to hopefully launch by summer! I can’t wait to get this project off the ground and I am really excited to see what it brings for my business! I am working with some really amazing brands to bring you all some high-quality equestrian style clothing, branded with cute slogans to show off your love for your horse!

2. Start competing again!

This is not a photography-related goal, but a personal one! I am hoping to get back in the competitive show ring with my own horse after 4 years away! I am already dreaming of entering the dressage ring and can’t wait to put my show jacket back on, if it still fits! We might be jumpers pretending to be a dressage team but we will do our best to make a good show of it!


3. Photograph more private horse show clients!

In 2021 I photographed more Horse & Rider sessions than anything, and these are without a doubt my bread and butter, they are what I live to photograph but they are also not the be all end all. I am really hoping to get behind the camera at more shows this summer and join some awesome equestrians as their personal paparazzi! There is something I just adore about the horse show atmosphere and joining competitive riders at their events and I certainly hope that I get to do more of it this year (assuming covid doesn’t cancel all our shows again)!

Read more about what I love about Private Client Photography HERE!

4. Travel more (covid permitting)!

If 2020 taught me anything it is that life is completely and totally unpredictable, and it is best to be flexible but with that said, I would like to add more travel to my list in 2021. I am hoping to make Calgary trips a more regular occurrence and to get down to BC for Thunderbird in the summer months! I have some big dreams for travel in the coming years and am hoping that 2021 will be the start of my journey as a more mobile photographer!


Why you should print your images!


The Proud Horse Girl Podcast : Episode 3