Christmas Mini // Killerney Photo Day

Driving to this session I was very cognizant of the fact that this was my second last day of photographing for 2020, and who knows how long after that (thanks covid)! It was the ending to what has been the most incredible year of my business and I was glad to be spending it with such a great group of people, at a barn that has played a large part in my equestrian career and on the most beautiful winter day! The trees were a beautiful silvery-white, dusted with hoar frost and the ground covered in fresh white and brilliant snow.

Everyone was so delightful to work with and put up with the cold weather, I’m sure you can tell by the rosy cheeks and red fingers that we were all freezing! There was something so magical about the winter scenery though and I think everyone was willing to put up with the cold, given just how beautiful it was! We even lucked out with some beautiful snow at the end of the day to complete the winter wonderland vibes! As far as winter photos, this is about as good as it gets for beautiful scenery!

Morgan was wonderful to work with as always, as I had previously captured her wonderful connection with Kahana! This was my first time photographing the handsome Oxford, and he certainly stole the show with his unique colouring and striking icy blue eye! He was not an easy horse to get his ears forwards though and was opposed to all my usual tricks! When in doubt - focus on close-ups! Kahana was a much easier model this time than when I photographed her in the summer and Morgan’s red hair against her white coat, paired with the red flowers in her mane, was so striking, I was blown away!

Brook and Madyson are two good friends who shared a session with their beautiful horses, Muchacho and Dottie! I had photographed Madyson and Dottie earlier in the fall and was delighted to see them again, as well as to meet Brook and her adorable chestnut pony! It was obvious that Madyson’s connection with the feisty Dottie had grown even in the few short months since I last saw them and I adored once again capturing their sweet friendship. Brook and Muchacho were an adorable partnership and had a connection like old friends, the type of bond that only comes from a girl loving a horse.

Ania and her adorable family joined together in front of the camera, plus the gentle giant Will. Her adorable children were such troopers in the cold and were happy to smile and laugh as long as we were joking about horse doodoo. I loved getting to know all of them and capturing their wonderful family connection and Will’s special place in their family! All that was missing was their dog, but that will have to be next time!

Finally, I was delighted with Ella and Dixie in front of my camera again! Ella is one of the kindest people I have met and is so sweet to work with every time! Her connection with Dixie is so special and they just celebrated a special 3 years together! Since I have known them, they have already grown immeasurably and I am certain that there are remarkable things in their future! I hope that I can capture some horse show memories for them this summer!


2020 In Review!


Christmas Mini // Emilee & Dream